Thursday, February 17, 2011


39 weeks down, one to go! I can't believe by this time for sure next Friday, we will have another addition to our family. This pregnancy has flown! (though these last couple weeks are dragging right along, as I carry almost 40 lbs of extra weight, waddling due to sciatic nerve pain, and can't get any sleep between my huge belly, numerous nightly bathroom breaks and the calls from my other 2 children to "come lay with me"). I am starting my usual worries (well, wouldn't say just started, as I am a known worry wart). I am hoping the delivery goes smoothly, new baby is healthy, and Celia and Drew love their new baby brother or baby sister as well as they've grown to love each other. I truly am blessed to have such great kids - though their are MANY days they simply wear me out with their, shall we say, energy, they really do get along amazingly well. Drew runs right along with Celia, playing part in all of her imaginary games with her animals, being her pet dog on a leash, playing store, basketball, jumping on the trampoline, putting on dance shows for me, and whatever else their little minds can come up with. Their giggles melt my heart. It's scary to wonder if I still have room in there to love another child as much as love them? I know I's just going into the unknown that's a scary thing. I can't wait to meet you little bean!! My prediction for your birthday was today, February 17th; daddy's is February 22nd. I have a scheduled induction on my due date, next Friday the 25th, so either way, we will know you by then!!!!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

ice storm

so this week we got hit with this crazy ice storm that left the streets, lawns and driveways as nothing more than huge skating rinks, with a nice thick 2" layer of ice. the kids and I were iced in our house for about 4 days straight due to school being cancelled, and me not being able to get our car down the driveway. needless to say, we were all a bit stir crazy!!! we filled our days with coloring, play doh, decorating a big cardboard house, lots of tea parties, playing house, numerous bubble baths, tee ball, plenty of iCarly and Dora, and Celia doing a bit of 'butt sledding' down our icy lawn.

But we survived! mom and dad thankfully had already agreed to take the kids that following weekend for me to get one last relaxation weekend in before baby arrived. Thank you!!! It was just what the kids and I both needed! We are so lucky to have wonderful family around that love our kids so much.