my little boy turned 3 - boo-hoo!!! I always try to bargain with the kids on every birthday for them to please not turn one year older because it makes mommy so sad! Honestly, I don't know how time flies so fast. drew definitely is all boy - loves sports of all kinds and tearing up things faster than I can put them together. (requested only 'boy toys' for his party - ha! think he's sick of playing house with Celia with all of her baby dolls and stuffed animals; when asked what 'boy toys are, he told me basketballs and helicopters). Gift highlights from this year were: a basketball goal to put in the cul-de-sac to practice, a new spongebob tennis racket, a real fishing pole from Papoo, a little helicopter from Celia and a Wii console from me and Joe (really for the whole family, but he loves loves playing at Andi and Kasey's house - is pretty awesome at golf and bowling!)
He's rough and tumble for sure, but also the sweetest little guy you'd ever meet. Currently, when he does something he knows he shouldn't (like swing the dining room chandaleir back and forth for the millionth time or pick the cats up and drag them around, or just make a general big mess) he looks at me with those big eyes and says "oh sorry mommy, I forgot" or "it was an accident". I mean, really, how can you stay mad at that?? I get many compliments on Drew on how well behaved he his - out in public, he typically sits very nicely and doesn't throw fits. His gets dragged from Celia's ballet to speech therapy for almost 3 hours on Mondays, and I hardly ever have any issues with him. He plays quietly with the legos or we read books together. Basically, the boy melts my heart. I love you little monkey boy!!!